Monday, August 4, 2008

20 years...say it ain't so...

Danny and I spent this past weekend reconnecting with old friends from high school at our 20th High School Reunion. We both graduated from MIHS in 1988 so it was great fun for both of us at the reunion because we both knew people. Now everyone is trying to stay connected through Facebook which is driving me nuts because I don't know how to use it yet b/c I am old (hello, TWENTIETH reunion...for crying out loud). In any event, we had loads of fun and here's a snap shot of us all gussied up for your viewing pleasure.



Anonymous said...

Very Cute, Romy and Michelle! Did you tell everyone you invented Post-its? I really hope you saw that movie or this will not be funny fo' you! Ya look great.

AnnMarie said...

It can't be 20 years, you only look 20!! LOL

Go Mustangs :)

Myrtle's Mayhem said...

you two Bader girls are too funny for me for you tambien!!

love it!


Suz said...

Happy Anniversary, Meredith and Danny! I wish you many, many more.
