Friday, January 25, 2008

Tattle Tale

I fear that my sweet child (see above) is going to be a tattle tale. You know what I’m talking about…the kid that is always ratting out his friends. Last night, Brody told me repeatedly that “C did it” (C being a friend from day care). “C did it” “C did it”….over and over again. Every time I asked him anything that was the response I received. He showed me his book that has a big chunk eaten out of it (yes, he eats books). He became obsessed with getting through to me that “C” had eaten that portion of the book. Seeing as how “C” has never been to our house and there is in fact someone in our house that eats books, I am pretty sure “C didn’t do it.” Even this morning on the way to school he told me “C did it.” Did what I wonder!?!!



Anonymous said...

Maybe "C" is his imaginary friend :-)

Hope said...

Maybe Brody is "C"?
