Thursday, April 17, 2008

Prehistoric meltdown

This morning’s meltdown was due to a non-existent dinosaur shirt. Brody literally had crocodile tears flowing because he did not want to wear the shirt I was dressing him in. Instead, he wanted “dinosaur shirt.” He doesn’t have a dinosaur shirt people. Mind you, last weekend I purchased three shirts with elephants on them due to the request to wear “elephant shirt” almost every day and we only had one shirt with an elephant on it. What’s a mom to do! This morning we compromised with a Mickey Mouse shirt and I guess I’ll be on the hunt for some dinosaur shirts next time I am out and about!


Anonymous said...

He wanted the "dragon" shirt that looks like a dinosaur.

Hope said...

Bless his heart! Isn't it funny how at such a young age they get upset over what they wear. Nathan went through a spell around the age of 3, now Reese is doing it. I hope it's just a phase, don't you? I thought I had at least 10 more years to dress them like I want!