Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Michelle!

Happy Birthday Michelle! I love that you are flicking me off in the shot! Ah, the good ol' days! Have a great day!
(p.s. Do either of you remember where we were and what we were doing in this picture?!!)

xoxo-Mere and Ann-Marie


AnnMarie said...

i'm thinking we were at a bar. i remember the pic but not that night. "oh what a night"

happy bday!

Myrtle's Mayhem said...

We were watching the Magic playoff game at Gators (not sure that was name of place at the time)...remember when...we went to watch all the games during that fantastic year! :) mere

AnnMarie said...

oh yeah! we did that all the could i forget.

Anonymous said...

I have no recollection of that night, but I believe that I just recently got rid of that shirt. I really need to clean out the closet a little more. Why the hell would I flick of the camera? Who took that picture?
